Tuesday, January 11

How to Create an iTunes Account in Another Country

How to Create an iTunes Account in Another Country Your primary iTunes account is always set depending on the country you reside in, however, this can present some problems if you’re a keen iPhone app fan, as sometimes certain apps are not available in all territories.  While this guide is primarily applicable to people outside of the USA, it works just as well there too.
The key problem with trying to create an account outside of your home is the issue of payment, as your credit card or PayPal account must be registered in the same place.  There is however, a way around this.
Why would anyone want to do such a thing?  Aside from access to free apps not available in your country, you can only redeem free app codes and vouchers inside the US store.  Annoying if you have one but don’t live there!  Here are some simple instructions on how to set up a foreign iTunes account.
  • Open iTunes and select the iTunes Store.
  • Scroll down to the base of the page and click the flag icon found in the bottom right.
  • Select the country you want to create an account in, in this example, we will use the USA.
  • The country-specific store page will open.
  • Now, search for an app which is free.  We suggest using the USA-only Lose It! app, which is a great example of why you should make an account elsewhere.
  • Once you’ve found and selected your app, click the Free App button to purchase it.
  • The iTunes Sign In box will appear and you want to select Create New Account.
  • Click Continue when prompted and accept the Terms of Service.
  • Fill in your contact details as requested, then press continue.
  • Then you must provide a payment method.  However, as this is a free app, at the far end there is the option of ‘None’.  Select this.
  • Fill in an address and click Continue.
  • Wait for the confirmation email to arrive.  When it does, follow the instructions and activate your new account.
  • Your new App should download automatically.
Obviously you won’t be able to download anything which costs money, as you won’t have any way of paying, so this will only be of help if you’re after a free app.  But as they say, the best things in life are free!

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